No matter how much time you invest in your garden or yard, all of your efforts will be lost when night falls and no one can see your hard work. Adding them to your yard is an excellent way to showcase your prize flowers and highlight any special night bloomers that you’ve added. If you don’t want to deal with rising electric costs or try to run extension cords in your yard, a garden light may be the best choice.
They run by having a panel that contains cells that are charged during the day by sunlight. When the cells are completely charged, they power an internal battery inside the light and will last for many hours during the night. The next morning, when the solar powered light’s battery needs to be recharged, it gets a fresh source of energy from the sun. The cycle continues daily and you not only have an efficient garden light, but also have invested no cost in additional fuel bills. In fact, once you pay for your garden light, you’ll find that there are no extra costs and over a period of time, you’ll even get your investment back, as compared to the expense of spending money on electric bills to power your outdoor garden light.
Choosing Garden Light
Location– When choosing a garden light it is important to choose one by first determining the best location for your light. You must make certain that your light is placed in a place where it will receive direct sunlight or else it will not be able to receive a full charge.
Size– You should also choose a light fixture that is large enough to provide the light to your garden that you prefer. By choosing the location of your light accordingly, you may have enough sunlight to place your light in an area where it will shine directly on a garden path, walkway, or even to illuminate your favorite plant, bush, or focal point.
Placement- The first thing to consider is where you will place your light. Before you can design a strategic location where you will create a dramatic effect, you will need to place the light in an area where it will receive plenty of sunlight during the day.
Direct Sunlight- Although you want to highlight certain areas of your garden, you must ensure that the solar light receives direct daily sunlight or else it will not charge.
A light has an internal battery that is charged by direct sunlight. The cells retain the solar charge throughout the night, only to recharge again the next day. The greatest mistake that people make when placing their solar lights is by not choosing sunny locations. However, once you have located the ideal spot, you can then begin planning your special dramatic effects.
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